What Is The Voice-Over Cost In India?

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In today’s cutthroat corporate landscape, effective communication is paramount, and utilising voice-over services becomes crucial to delivering your brand message. Professional voice-over actors have the knack for bringing emotion and clarity into the words they speak that resonate with the target audiences. 

These experts can provide you with content that adds a human touch to the ads or podcasts. Sometimes, these distinct voices become the identity of a brand’s personality and add value to promotional materials. Professional voice-over actors can have an impact on the listeners that triggers feelings and establishes a connection. 

The digital era has made it possible to consume content in diverse formats. This has made consumer’s attention span shorter than ever. Voice-over content can be a crucial factor in capturing your audience’s attention. 

The unique communication can persuade the audience to listen to what your goods and services have to offer, which can increase your conversion rates. But before you hire a narrator, it’s essential to learn the voice-over cost to make strategic investments that improve your consumer engagement and boost brand communication. 

Explore voice-over costs in India. Contact us for professional narration!

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A] Why Professional Voice-over Services Matter

When you invest in professional voice-over services, it can greatly enhance your business goals and brand communication. You will be able to share interesting and relatable information with your viewers or listeners, whether you are making graphic ads or podcasts, respectively. Voice-over messages will hold their attention and compel them to engage with your brand.

Statistical studies on content marketing show that rather than any passive content, when you make any interactive videos by hiring a voice-over artist in Mumbai, your click-through rate can rise 10 times higher. With the increasing demand, statistics in 2022 indicated that 31% of brands hired voice actors for various purposes, from product launches to demo videos. Additionally, voice-over service can help establish trust among audiences with greater authenticity when making content for various sectors like banking and healthcare. Voice-overs have the ability to maximise conversions as they influence your target audience’s decision-making process.

The voice-over rate per minute is one of the key factors when you want to determine the delivery quality. My packages are affordable and stand on high-quality. Request a quote for your customised service now!

B] Types of Voice-Over Narration & Costs

1. Advertising/Commercials 

Voice-over narration is rising as an essential marketing technique for advertising commercial content. It empowers brands to efficiently communicate their messages across the media. These voice-over services for commercials are designed to grab viewer’s attention and engage them by creating an impression. 

In this category, the platforms and length of voice-over determine the voice-over cost for commercials. It can be a catchy jingle, fascinating voices, or an impactful storyline that can make the commercial successful. For instance, the Ambuja Cement commercial instantly attracts an audience with its witty and humorous storyline and a hard-timbered voice-over. 

The skillful presentation of a product or service’s advantages and innovative selling points can make the best use of persuasive voice-overs that can significantly impact consumer behaviour. The Airtel adverts can be a great example of this, with its data-centric narrative that communicates the strength and effectiveness of its service. Voice-overs for advertisements and commercials that are memorable and have an effect on listeners ensure that the brand message stays with the audience even after the ad is over.
The way voiceover cost works in advertising is as follows:-

There are 3 primary platforms – Digital, Television, and Radio. Digital ads include all platforms (from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linked and beyond) and the cost includes all of these. The same advert on Television and/or Radio is billed at 25-40% and will be billed additionally for each of these two platforms. For e.g., let us say Company X hires me to do a 60 second commercial (known as the Master Film or simply Master) and we decide on a cost of INR 15,000 for this. They intend to use 3 Cutdowns of 10, 15, and 20 seconds (these are shorter versions of the Master). This is how the costing gets broken down:-

  • Digital – 15,000
  • Television (with a 25% add-on) – 18,750
  • Radio (with a 25% add-on) – 18,750
  • 3 Cutdowns (costed at 50% of the Master cost) – 22,500

The cutdowns can be of any duration as long as they are shorter derivatives of the Master.

My rates for advertisements and commercials start from ₹10,000**.

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project.

2. Audiobooks

Narration for audiobooks creates a connection between writers and listeners as they bring stories to life by making them immersive. As a voice-over professional, the focus is on clear diction and delivering the story with emotion to portray a character in an authentic manner that feels real. Audiobooks provide multitasking and on-the-go entertainment convenience. With skilled narration, voice-overs improve the audience’s listening experience, immersing them in the story universe. 

With my voice-over services for audiobooks, it takes about 2 to 3 hours of studio time to complete 60 minutes of recorded audio. The voice-over rates for audiobooks will be influenced by other factors like editing the audio and removing the errors. Without editing, you can get a 20% discount. 

My rates for audiobooks (unedited) start from ₹15,000**.

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project.

3. Corporate Films & Videos

Clear voice-overs are necessary for corporate videos to prepare content for training, advertising, etc. It will provide your brand with a professional and convincing tone, which requires a voice-over artist to carefully analyse your target audience and your intended message to choose the preferred voice-over style and tone. 

While a professional or authoritative voice suits training videos, a promotional video will suit a persuasive style. My voice-over services for corporate packages start from ₹10,000** for up to 3 minutes (01-180 seconds) of narrating corporate videos with approximately 140 words per minute. 

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project. 

4. Documentary

Documentaries are some of the most consumable video content that offers educational knowledge about specific subject lines while going in-depth into the topic. Therefore, there might be complex context and emotional nuances present in the video, which makes voice-over narratives essential in documentaries. 

The goal is to provide competent storytelling for voice-over services for documentaries, which can seamlessly simply communicate complicated ideas to keep the audience engaged. My voice-over cost for the documentary costs will start from ₹18,000** for any duration up to 10 minutes. 

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project.

5. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos make difficult ideas simple and easy to grasp. Here, the voice-over actors speak clearly and animatedly and captivate the audience with effective research and fact-stating video script reading. You need to write a compelling script that narrates stories and highlights key aspects of the information to produce effective voice-overs for an impactful explainer video. 

The voice-over should fit the tone and style of the video to seamlessly resonate with the intended audience, which you can find through voice-casting. My voice-over services for explainer videos usually deal with videos that are between 2 to 4 minutes in duration with 140 words per minute being the typical narration speed. The cost for explainer videos starts from ₹10,000 for any duration up to 3 minutes. 

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project. 

6. E-learning

If you are running an e-learning platform or any other business website that offers learning programs to educate internal staff and/or external customers, e-learning courses can best benefit the target audience with voice-overs. Voice actors make learning more impactful by providing the right tone and pronunciation while maintaining an appropriate tempo so the audience, whether kids or adults, can follow through with the subject matter more thoroughly. 

My voice-over cost for the e-learning structure plan starts at ₹1,000 per minute with a minimum slab of 15 minutes. One hour of recorded audio contains approximately 9,000-9,500 words. The voice-over services for an e-learning project do attract a 10-20% discount on the number of subsequent slabs in the project. 

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project.

7. IVR

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) uses automated telephone systems that enable callers to access information and explore their options without requiring human support. Voice-over services for IVR are essential if you are engaging automated customer service on your platform. This voice-over can enable your company to respond to calls quickly and connect with the right departments so clients can get relevant information promptly. 

In order to improve customer experience, the IVR voice-overs should be professional and friendly, with clear diction. When you are creating IVR voice prompts, make sure to consider user efficiency, straightforward instructions, and other easy alternatives to grasp as top priorities. Moreover, natural language should be used to remove any case of frustration the caller might feel. My IVR voice-over rates package starts at ₹400 per prompt with a minimum of 20 prompts. Discounts are provided in case of more than 20 prompts. 

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project. 

8. Movies, Video Games & TV Shows

In entertainment media like TV series, video games, and movies, voice-overs are essential for narrating, commentating, and bringing characters to life. Depending on the genre, they call for different abilities and methods, such as versatility in animation, aggression in action, and triggering emotional feelings in dramas. With such qualities in the voice-over, professionals can bring the audience an unforgettable experience that impacts the overall quality of the video and has more impact on the audience’s perception. 

Since the characters and plots are intricate and versatile in this medium, the voice-over skills require more nuances, and a skilled human touch can tackle the challenge. Our voice-over services for movies, video games, and TV shows can bring you seamless video production ability and flexible voice-over skills. My voice-over cost for movies, video games, & tv shows begins at ₹15,000 for up to 10 minutes duration or approximately 1,500 words.

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project. 

9. Podcast

Voice-overs are essential for hosting, interviewing, and telling stories on podcasts, which are a popular on-demand audio content format today consumed primarily via audio streaming platforms or even video content sites like YouTube. Since these shows are mostly done live, hiring professionals who have vocal flexibility, appropriate tone, and the ability to bring an engaging delivery style is required. You can consider doing voice-casting with my voice-over services for podcasts. If you are recording high-quality audio, careful consideration will be required for recording procedures. It will involve selecting the right microphone and managing the background noise. 

Voice-overs bring stories to life, conduct interesting interviews, and provide insightful hosting to make listening more immersive. Moreover, the procedure will require proper editing techniques to bring clarity and consistency to podcast shows. My voice-over cost for the podcast package involves a minimum of 2 promos of 15 seconds each and the cost begins at ₹10,000.

**These do not include studio costs, which will be on actuals and in addition to the above-mentioned rates. Rates are indicative and are subject to revision depending on the scope of the project. 

C] What Are the Factors That Can Affect Voice Over Costs?


1. Length of Script

The length of a script has a big impact on voice-over expenses as, most often, it determines how many words or minutes of the audio will be recorded. The more lengthy the script or screenplay is, the longer its editing requirement will be. So, the post-production labour will cost more in addition to the recording time. 

2. Voice Actor Experience and Skill Level

Voice actors charge different prices depending on their experience and skill level. Experienced actors charge more since their professionalism, adaptability, and quality are of high calibre. This may mean that they will require less time to finish recording and will make fewer errors that will require editing. 

3. Project Deadline

Due to the necessity of quick turnaround times, tight deadlines for the projects could result in higher voice-over expenses. The voice-over recording production company and the voice actors may demand more payment due to the rush to make up for unforeseen schedule delays and priority over the projects. 

4. Usage Rights

Voice-over recording prices might differ depending on the distribution channel. The use length and geographic reach of the audio can also impact the voice-over cost. The intended usage also affects the licence rights that are offered to the client, which ultimately impacts the price. 

5. Studio Expenses

High-quality studios charge more for their services, which mostly involve high-quality equipment, experienced technicians, and advanced comprehensive recording facilities. These studios offer sound engineering services that are essential to editing and mixing audios that bring more clarity to the sound. 

6. Localisation Needs

Localisation involves the process of modifying the voice-over content in another language with changed dialects and cultural preferences as per that locality. Depending on the language and project complexity, the cost can rise. 

Explore voice-over costs in India. Contact us for professional narration!

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The digital age has opened up more than one way to benefit from audio recording, not just for use on videos but also for podcasts and other interactive procedures. Now, you have learned how narration using voice-over can be essential for various settings, from personal podcasting and corporate filming to e-learning and advertising. 

Keep in mind what factors can affect the cost of your project while working with professionals to receive high-quality results. Follow through our project rates for various voice-over services to choose a plan and work with our experienced voice-over artist in Mumbai. Contact us today to get high-quality service at a reasonable price and improve your content reach and brand message.

Peter Abraham

Peter Abraham

Peter Abraham is a versatile voice-over artist based in Mumbai working in the voiceover industry since 2009. With a passion for storytelling and meticulous attention to detail in every project, he brings scripts to life with his captivating voice and professional delivery, exceeding client expectations. Whether it's a commercial or an audiobook, Peter specializes in a wide range of voice-over work, ensuring the highest quality.

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